So far for this week the  drawing part of designing a shoe is coming along . Its just drawing the designs on them that is hard and have to get every single detail in there so it will be neat and not so slopply, but when i'm done with the drawing i'm going to need to buy another shoe because I will have to practice my design on there so they be perfect when the final design on my shoe get here. For now I am drawing and looking up more information like how are shoes designs ? What are they made of ?.I need my iron to press on letters. I have to paint, and need to see if the spelling are correct and the right places. Then when I get done with the information i'm going to look at companys like walmart, footlocker, shoe carnviol, etc.So when the whole shoes get done and see if anybody wont to invest in my shoes, and to put them in there store to sell.

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    Hey, this blog is just about my 20times projects and what i'm going to do to make it .


    January 2014

