I have all my material,"It was differcult finding the material for my shoes because I never made them before, because they only have material for cloths and bags." My project is coming along. It is hard, first I need to sketch out my design for my shoes. Then practice using the machine on another pair of shoes.To make sure I get it right on my finial pair of shoes.

My 20 times project

My 20 time project is designing shoes, why did this because, I always wanted to make my own shoe, to have something nobody else own.I  would love to have my shoes in stores like Finishline, Footlocker,  Walmart, etc. But inorder to get everything off the ground I would need sketchs of my design to present to protential investor. I would also need to have a budget proposal of how much money, a place to manufacture the shoe, the material, and a good work crew. My focus on acheiveing my goal is determination, hard work, good sales.
Hey, I 'm Cierra.I'm doing a 20 times project i 'm still getting use to the hole project because i never did a blog before so its still new to me.I have some ideas I was thinking like designing shoes or making a hat but I knew what I won to do so I pick designing  shoes. So I thoght to design a big shoe,small shoes,flat shoes,gym shoes etc., I just thought it would be cool to design my own shoes so I can wear it and people would think its cool.I learn from research that people been designin shoes for a long time it been around since 1600 that's a long time. 

The  shoes you see at the bottom are example of shoes of how I  would like to design them with my own taste, with silly cartoon on them:

This is a type of shoe I won't to know how to design on.


    Hey, this blog is just about my 20times projects and what i'm going to do to make it .


    January 2014

