So this week and last week at school my English teacher won'ts us to make a research paper about are design so, I been looking for information about shoes. Then I found out information about colleges that can teach you alot of different things about shoes so I was looking at that because I wouldnt mind going to a college that can teach me and I can start my own businnes.But im going to put a picture of one of my shoes next week, if they are dry im working on my other shoe now.


So this week I been researching about shoes design on sirs researcher and careers-internet.and I'm trying to see what they have about shoe designing since I'm the  first at designing. but my designi on my shoes are looking really good.But back to my reaserch I found that people designing shoes because of exesting shoes or to show people there meaning of shoes in, someday have somebody wearing there shoes. 

Here is the type of shoe i'm using for my design in you see what i'm talking about when I say I have to  make sure the design are neat, and I'm going to paint my shoes or spry paint it.The colors are black, white, red.

I have made some progress from the last week, I was drawing In I came up with this idea of drawing the Chicago Bulls words on the side in then put the Bull on the back of the shoe in the bottom of  the shoes. Then have my favorite players number on the other side.So I think i'm going to keep the design but it wasn't easy because won't the bull to be neat and have a nike sign going on its horns like hes have a tattoo,and have a hat on in with nerd glasses on.
so this is a picture of what my bull will look like on the back and bottom shoes. It will have a tattoo on the horns and have nerd glasses on but it won't have its tongue out tho.

I'm still doing the designing on the shoes and its coming along,but nothing has changed since last week.
I'm now starting my shoes design on my 20 times project and I have some example down at the bottom. Its a video.
The video you see above is something like how im going to design my shoe but im going to use colors, and some duck tap to cover the bottom so the paint wont get on them.
Now that I drew my shoes, I have to now identify trends in color, material, styling, and construction. I all ready have my material but I have to blend my colors together inorder to have a spring color , the reason why I choice spring color, because It almost springs and the color are very happy and summer like.
This week so far I am skeching out my shoes on a art pad so I can outline my shoes better, and it can be nice and big for my design to fit on the shoes outline. The hard part is when you try to draw the shoes detail, so you wont miss a spot on the ordiary shoe. So when I do my real  shoes they will look like a factory did it when  actualtly I did it. I can't wait for people to see my new invention, and tell me what they like and dislike.

So far for this week the  drawing part of designing a shoe is coming along . Its just drawing the designs on them that is hard and have to get every single detail in there so it will be neat and not so slopply, but when i'm done with the drawing i'm going to need to buy another shoe because I will have to practice my design on there so they be perfect when the final design on my shoe get here. For now I am drawing and looking up more information like how are shoes designs ? What are they made of ?.I need my iron to press on letters. I have to paint, and need to see if the spelling are correct and the right places. Then when I get done with the information i'm going to look at companys like walmart, footlocker, shoe carnviol, etc.So when the whole shoes get done and see if anybody wont to invest in my shoes, and to put them in there store to sell.
I have all my material,"It was differcult finding the material for my shoes because I never made them before, because they only have material for cloths and bags." My project is coming along. It is hard, first I need to sketch out my design for my shoes. Then practice using the machine on another pair of shoes.To make sure I get it right on my finial pair of shoes.

My 20 times project

My 20 time project is designing shoes, why did this because, I always wanted to make my own shoe, to have something nobody else own.I  would love to have my shoes in stores like Finishline, Footlocker,  Walmart, etc. But inorder to get everything off the ground I would need sketchs of my design to present to protential investor. I would also need to have a budget proposal of how much money, a place to manufacture the shoe, the material, and a good work crew. My focus on acheiveing my goal is determination, hard work, good sales.


    Hey, this blog is just about my 20times projects and what i'm going to do to make it .


    January 2014

